Our Democratic System of Checks and Balances

Shows how each Branch checks one another.
How our government is supposed to function

It is important that the American people realize that the President can only accomplish what Congress allows. The Constitution specifically grants Congress its most important power, the authority to make laws. A bill, or proposed law, only becomes a law after both the House of Representatives and the Senate have approved it in the same form.

The Rules Committee exerts vast power in the House. As such, the majority party, over the last three Presidencies, has increasingly changed these rules in order to control how Congressional investigations are conducted while increasing their political power. The Rules Committee has become disproportionately in favor of the majority party.

The most important responsibility of Congress is that of making the laws of the United States. In both the House and Senate, the work of preparing and considering legislation is done by standing committees, and in addition there are special committees in each house as well as joint committees with senate membership.

Congress is the Legislative, or lawmaking, branch of our national government. It shares power with the President and the Supreme Court. Congress is made up of the Senate and the House of Representatives. The writers of the U.S. Constitution thought Congress was so important, they listed it first! This is why it is so important to be aware of how our elected Representatives conduct themselves during investigative hearings.

Congress has authority over financial and budgetary matters, through the power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States. The Constitution also grants Congress exclusively the power to appropriate funds.

It is also important as a voter to understand when and why these Legislative Committee members are not devoting their time debating in a bipartisan manner, proposed as well as existing laws. Instead, our Legislative Branch of government is wasting hundreds of millions of dollars of our financial support to further political and personal interests.

Politicians from the President on down, throughout both the Federal and State governments, have abused their Oath of Office.  An Independent View of the Donald J. Trump Presidency tells the story of just how far our government has gotten out of control. We concerned voters need to understand this fact and vote out of office every individual who is dishonest and are solely working in their own interests!

In the case of Impeachment of federal officials, the House has the sole right to bring charges of misconduct that can lead to an impeachment trial. The Senate has the sole power to try impeachment cases and to find officials guilty or not guilty. A finding of guilt results in the removal of the federal official from public office.