Part I Donald Trump’s Rise to Power in the GOP

The September 11, 2001, attacks on the United States by foreign suicidal terrorists using highjacked airlines changed the lives of all Americans. It created a strong desire among large groups of individuals with believing in Nationalism. This belief supported by neo-conservatives, was the geneses of President George W. Bush administration’s seeking public approval for the subsequent Global War on Terror with the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan.

An Independent View of the Donald J. Trump Presidency is an historical accounting of how Nationalism metastasized into today’s civil war that has disrupted families, friends and neighbors to a point of extreme violence. How has our government allowed this degree of hatred to become so explosive?  This two-volume book tells the story of how our elected officials have abused their oaths of office for personal and political gain. It also details how news and social media outlets, along with their abuse of the internet, have influenced our thinking with deliberate planting of misinformation.

The beginning of Trump's rise to power in the Republican Party.

Book 1 Covers Donald Trump’s first two years in office. It starts out with Trump’s eliminating the numerous Republican candidates in the 2016 Primaries. It shows just how ruthless political campaigning has become.

Chapter 1 depicts how politicians focus on using fear tactics that makes voters become single issue minded. These few misunderstood issues such as gun possession, religious values and the separation of church and state divert attention away from the candidate’s true motive for why they want to hold office.

Chapters 2 and 3 will give you will much better understand how House Republicans control the proceedings in which their committee members are assigned, as opposed to how the Senate is much more bipartisan. The GOP attack on presidential candidate Hillary Clinton started way earlier than the attack on Donald Trump. This occurred years before anyone even knew that Trump was to become a presidential candidate. If a “Witch Hunt” ever existed, it was of Hillary Clinton. Donald Trump has constantly complained that he is unfairly being prosecuted and claimed executive privilege for his complete refusal to allow White House officials to testify or provide relative documentation to Congressional investigators.

The Benghazi Embassy attack was investigated for years by all House committees with news media coverage that was incessant. This was especially true of conservative media. Led by Fox News, republican House members appeared on television and distorted what was uncovered during congressional hearings. Read the transcripts that I have detailed in this book and get a better idea of the truth. See how the Benghazi investigations fizzled and became an invasion into Secretary of State Clinton personal emails.

In Chapters 5, 6 and 8 you will see for yourself just how the Trump Campaign was deeply involved with Russian operatives for personal and political gain. Chapter 7 depicts just how desperate the Republican Party is in trying to prevent this information from becoming public.

In Chapter 4 you will see how Mrs. Clinton complied with House Republican leaders to appear before committee hearings and provided requested government documents. Read the transcripts of the committee hearings and see how she was treated by Republican members of Congress. Later in Book two you will find that Donald Trump and his supporters refused to do the same when his activities are questioned.

Chapter 5 addresses how Russian operatives succeeded in turning the internet from a source of beneficial information into a beehive of destructive activities. It is no longer the go to source for the sharing of research studies. Now we have users being attacked by unknown sources using technics called phishing, spyware, malware, bots, ransomware and a host of other names with evil intentions.

In Chapter 6 you will see for yourself just how the Trump Campaign was deeply involved with these Russian operatives for personal and political gain. You will find the Trump Tower Moscow Project of particular interest. It is significant because the Trump organization was pursuing a very lucrative business deal within Russia. Chapter 7 depicts just how desperate the Republican Party was in trying to prevent this information from becoming public.

With the House now in control by far right MAGA sympathizers, committee hearings are again turning into vindictive processes that continue to support conspiracy theories. When will this end? In Chapter 7 you will see how and why some of these false accusations started with Russian operatives using social media to divide America. Most importantly you get a better understanding of how the Deep State Conspiracy theory evolved. This will help you realize which members of Congress are seeking the truth during these hearings.

Donald Trump's Personal and Agency Appoints. See how they performed their responsibilities in their own pest interests.

Chapter 8 Trump Tower meeting explains in detail the behind-the-scenes collusion with Russian operatives and senior members of the 2016 Trump campaign. Trump campaign advisor George Papadopoulos was made aware that Russians operatives possessed thousands of emails that were damaging to Hillary Clinton. Was this another Trump quid pro quo in the making?

The Trump Tower Meeting in New York City is a prime example of how the Trump Campaign was colluding with Russian Interests. The Mueller Report details exactly why these wealthy Russians wanted the Magnitsky Act overturned. Speed read through the details to find out all of the machinations Trump’s campaign subordinates used to cover up their political and business interests. What were they trying to accomplish with all of the meetings with Russian government officials?

As a Lieutenant in the Army, I was taught that a leader is only as good as the people he leads. I believe that in reading Chapters 9 and 10 you will have a better understand of why our government is so dysfunctional. It is Donald Trump’s chosen loyalists that are most rewarded wherein opponents are given harsh reprisals. The activities of Trump’s Cabinet appointments create an educational experience on how cronyism is able to destroy the free enterprise system of government. It is a profit driven system that creates inflation and destroys the lifestyles of American middle class.

Chapter 10 will give the reader a better understanding of how and why the Trump Administration went awry. These are the most important individuals that the Executive Branch relies on to establish America as a world leader. Unfortunately, Donald Trump abruptly fires the competent and promotes those who will obey his every command. Find out why so many of his key appointees only held “acting” positional status.

These Chapters cover the essence of the Mueller Report and why Conservatives have completely dismissed the historical importance it reveals.

These chapters cover the most important and highly controversial parts of this book. Chapter 11 provides the reader with the details of how House Intelligence Committee Chairman Nunes diverted attention away from Russia’s involvement with the 2016 Presidential Election.

In Chapter 12 you will be exposed to the essence of the Mueller Report and why Conservatives have dismissed the historical importance revealed by the details of this complex investigation.

Chapter 13 explains the “Deep State” conspiracy theory and the role of Fox News media. I think you will find very interesting how the internet was used to spread wild conspiracy theories that are still believed by many MAGA members.

Ironically, the last Chapter 14 marks the beginning of why I decided that I had to write this book. Read about how and why so many of our Conservative leaning friends and family members believe in so many outrageous conspiracy theories. In this chapter you will read what these conservative individuals have been convinced is true. The conversations detail both sides of what democrats and republicans want to believe that our government should stand for as our elected representatives. Has what we want to believe as opposed to what we are exposed to by social media and news organizations clouded our judgement?

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