Part II Donald Trump’s Impeachment Problems

Book I (Part One) chronicles how House Republicans used their legislative authority strictly for gaining political party advantage instead of working to create, improve and pass federal laws to improve American lifestyles. Read why the Republican controlled House of Representatives dedicated all their efforts in investigating the 2012 Benghazi attack by assigning eight different committees to assess blame on Hillary Clinton for the tragic deaths caused by this September 11 embassy uprising. 

The House committee investigations were especially lengthy. When these investigations did not prove guilt, Speaker of the House of Representatives John Boehner, created the House Select Committee on Benghazi. At two years and four months, this investigation was longer than the Congressional probes into 9/11, Watergate, the JFK assassination and Pearl Harbor. Nevertheless, the Benghazi Committee final report found no new evidence of wrongdoing by Clinton. After the final report was published, Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy boasted on national television that the panel’s work was successful in hurting Hillary Clinton in the polls.

In Book II (In Part Two) you will see that President Trump’s two Impeachment investigations by the Democratically held House demonstrates a stark difference in procedure, reasoning, cost and length of time. Read the recorded witness testimonies and you will see why no one defending Trump’s activities argued against his guilt. Their only argument they could use was that it was not, in their opinion, worthy of impeachment.

Is there truly a deep state of individuals working within our government that is determined to ruin Trump’s presidency, as conservative media leads you to believe? Trump’s complaint is most often used in connection to the FBI probe into Russia’s election meddling. Trump calls it “Russia, Russia, Russia,” a “witch hunt” and a “hoax.” These Trumpian complaints have greatly expanded to include disparaging diatribe against everyone who opposes his self-serving ambitions. This includes those who were once extremely dedicated supporters.

This Book II reveals what type of person Donald Trump is really like. It is viewed from both those who worked for his success and those who opposed him. See all the recorded details that show how he treats those whom he believes are beneath him. He depends on pledges of allegiance and Non-Disclosures Agreements (NDAs) to insulate himself from blame. Donald Trump’s Impeachment Problems details how his policies and management style got himself and his staff involved in numerous scandals.

Donald Trump's Impeachment Problems.

How did Donald Trump make America great and who has truly benefited from his policies and practices? What is Donald Trump really like? How has he shaped society in America and created economic growth?

Although he lost the popular vote in the 2016 election, he has certainly won over the hearts and minds of tens of millions of Americans. Who are these most ardent MAGA supporters that are willing to resort to violence? What part did Fox News and far right conservative media play?

Chapters 1 and 2 address Trump’s foreign and domestic leadership. Why do so many Americans believe that Trump is a hard-working leader that has done so much more for the middle class than any President in decades? This is what MAGA members uniformly claim. Read the details about Trump’s agenda compared with those of other presidents.

In Chapter 3 Trump lost his complete control over one side of the Legislative Branch but finally gained control of the Judicial Branch with the Senate approval of Attorney General William Barr. Here you will understand why President Trump was unable to dominate full control over our democratic system of checks and balances.

When A.G. Bill Barr, with the eager assistance of conservative media, neutralized Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation, President Trump became emboldened. Nevertheless, the Mueller Report is a very important document in American history that deserves recognition. You will also get a better understand of how Trump was desperately trying to use the Russian interference in Ukraine for political gain.

Chapter 4 gives the reader greater insight as to what Donald Trump is like from several perspectives. Read what his family and friends have to say about him. You will come to realize that if you are no longer a player in his inner circle you become an enemy that needs to be destroyed. The types of punishment that he inflicts on all those who dare to oppose him are merciless. Witness this for yourself.

Trump's Ukraine Quid Pro Quo

Chapters 5 thru 8 is where we get to witness what was transpiring within President Trump’s inner circle of power. Who are the three Amigos that Pres. Trump was using which caused great concerned in our relationship with Ukraine and newly elected President Zelensky.

Compare the difference in our Ukrainian foreign policy between Presidents Trump and Biden. More importantly, witness the evasive actions of both President Trump and his Republican alias in Congress. Every effort was made to disrupt the investigation with refusals to comply with legal demands for witness appearance and release of pertinent documentation.

Were all of the investigations leading up to the initial impeachment nothing but harassment by all of our investigative agencies within our Legislative and Judicial Branches? In these chapters I present the written testimony that was transcribed during both closed door and publicly televised hearings. It is important to stress that these witnesses who either volunteered or complied with subpoenas were testifying under oath even though they were threatened and subsequently punished for their patriotism.

Chapter 9 tells the fictious story of how Google’s search engine was responsible for voter fraud in favor of Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election. This evolved from a Senate Judiciary subcommittee hearing created by Republican chairman Ted Cruz. Read the transcripts of the hearing and judge the validity of the testimony. Does this resemble the newly settled defamation suit by Dominion Voting Systems against Fox News? Now we have Smartmatic seeking $2.7 billion in damages, saying Fox News knowingly lied about its technology and how it was used in order to boost ratings. Was this done to keep Trump supporters from defecting to the right-wing networks Newsmax and One America News?

Chapter 10 is a continuation of my conversations with firm believers of Donald Trump. Read what they have to say about their political beliefs and understand exactly what they are against. Think about the words and phrases that they use and recognize where they originate from. Is it from particular news sources, social media or simply the people you associate with on a regular basis? Let me know what you think so I can present the most important positive and the negative comments on this website.

Donald Trump's Impeachment Problems

Chapter 11 details exactly why the Democratically controlled House decided that Pres. Trump needed to be impeached. Here you will get a better understanding of Trump’s relationship with Russia and the role played by his personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani.

The Trump-Ukraine Impeachment report generated by the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence explains why this impeachment of a President became necessary. Although I summarize the full meaning of this report, I have provided this link for verification that what is presented is true.

You will also read about what occurred during the Republican controlled Senate impeachment trial. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell admitted that he and his fellow Republicans would not convict Pres. Trump. Even though the evidence given on the charges of Abuse of Power and Obstruction of Congress was never contested, his acquittal finding made him even further embolden.

Chapter 12 explains the efforts that Trump’s campaign officials were using to help win his reelection, stockpiling cash with over $200 million on hand and fund-raising that continues to this day. Exaggerated claims of voter fraud continued to be the battle cry of the GOP. This created the mantra “Stop the Steal” used by MAGA maniacs.

In the end, Trump’s arrogance and vanity precipitated his fall. His presidency was well documented with scandals and controversies as wide-ranging as they were alarming. Trump was defeated mainly because of his failure to connect on the thing that voters most cared about, which was the coronavirus. As we all are painfully aware, Donald Trump refused to accept defeat.

The January 6, 2021 attack on the United States Capital Building by Donald Trump’s far-right MAGA supporters was in fact an insurrection. This action was provoked by the words of Donald Trump. However, they were deliberately deceived. These individuals had every intent to forcefully disrupt the Electoral College’s certification of duly elected President Joseph Biden. Consequently, far too many of these Trump fanatics came to do bodily harm to members of Congress.

Even after two impeachment trials that were pretty much uncontested in their validity, the MAGA faithful still contends that election fraud is what caused Trump to lose his reelection as President. In Chapter 13 my conversations with Trump supporters are something that will amaze the reader because their rational transcends reality. These advocates do their best to blame others for the attack using the stories that they listened to and watched as presented on Fox News, Newsmax and One America News (OAN).