History is Repeating, Yet Again

Don't Let History Repeat Itself Again

As long as we refuse to recognize what has happened in the past, life in America will continue its downward spiral. Since the turn of the century, political unrest has been destroying the foundations of our great country. The Sept. 11, 2021 terrorist attack on American soil created a belief in Nationalism and Separatism thinking. What is meant by those who claim, “we are the real American people?” Is that only true if you have been originally born in America?

Why all this hatred for foreigners who are trying to live here peacefully and be able to maintain their heritage and beliefs? What does nationalism really stand for? For that matter, who really understands the concepts of Conservativism, Capitalism, Socialism, Naziism, Communism, Fascism, Democracy and Dictatorship? Wars are fought over these misconceptions by the way these ideologies are portrayed by our everchanging sources of information.

More importantly, who has control over these all-important sources of information? Certainly not we the people. Giant Corporations control our thoughts by misuse of the “free market” system of government. They also control our sources of news information by swallowing up smaller competitive businesses that will ensure their growth. This is how Donald Trump and the “Free” Market system of government is able to control our thoughts. We cannot continue to allow the spread of misinformation which has divided families, friends and neighbors by encouraging the use of force against each other.

Just like the policies of the George W. Bush administration, the Trump Administration has had an even greater impact on our rapidly increasing National Debt by allowing excessive spending to create greater profit.  By allowing the free enterprise system of government (Capitalism) to run amuck. This causes inflation which in turn caused the great recession and stock market crash of 2018. Please read my posting Capitalism, Inflation and the Federal Deficit which explains in detail exactly how America is now in trillions of dollars in debt. This is something that everyone needs to read and understand.

Donald Trump is Just Like Us?

The American people need to realize and understand Donald Trump’s thinking as a leader. A YouTube video by Forbes Breaking News published a year ago this month, is very telling. Click on the following link and hear exactly what he has to say then try to remember his words and how he emphasizes his ideas on how he plans to run our Unites States government: JUST IN: Trump Unveils Plan To ‘Dismantle The Deep State’ As Possible Indictment Looms (youtube.com). This is just a 3 1/2-minute video that everyone needs to be made aware. The harm that his actions have caused our system of democracy cannot be repeated. There is no validity to such a massive deep state.

Does he not appear to be absolutely determined to enact these 10 unpresented policies just because all these people and institutions have impeded his ambitions? What is the reasoning behind the need for these swift and radical departure from the historical precedence which has been used to develop our envied system of democracy? Don’t let history repeat itself with our failure to recognize the real meaning of Truth, Justice and the American way of life!

Is Donald Trump really just like all of us, or is he more like those of us who are out for themselves and will do whatever they can to profit and gain power over others? My first book, Donald Trump’s Rise to Power in the GOP, gives great insight as to the type of people in which he surrounds himself. They are his followers and not are not necessarily skilled in the field of government in which they were appointed. Read what they have done to disrupt the departments in which they were chosen to oversee, rather than improving the agencies for which they were responsible.

During his presidency, Donald Trump replaced long term competent individuals that have served in numerous capacities as heads of federal agencies with unqualified business executives who have helped him promote the mindset of profit over proficiency. The cost of these unnecessary government changes would be mind boggling. Considering how dysfunctional our government has become during his Presidency. Technological achievements, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), will be further used for profit over problem solutions as we have seen with the internet. This is an important topic my books address.

In Book II, Donald Trump’s Impeachment Problems you will find some very interesting information as to what people who know him quite well really think of him as a person. This includes family, friends, new and longtime associates as well as many former employees. Here you can evaluate for yourself Donald Trump’s true character. Is he just like the person you believed him to be when you voted for against his presidency or is he an enigma that no one really understands.

Trump the Unrelenting Salesman

Throughout my two books, I chronologically detail just how Donald Trump has used his business practices to try and restructure our government in favor of profiteering for the benefit of himself and the obscenely wealthy. Read about how he has profited by using his real estate holdings to entertain paying guests and lodge foreign dignitaries seeking both governmental personal favors.

What most people didn’t realize is that Donald Trump will do most anything for profit and enrichment. His latest scheme to make money is particularly disgraceful, that is selling “the only Bible endorsed by President Trump.” The following link aptly describes how much the former reality TV star and his family has profited from throughout his political career, as well as before and after. This YouTube video shows the extent that he has used to persuade his following to fund his personal needs.

This is quite the religious tribute to Good Friday and Easter Sunday services. How does this prove the belief that he is a very successful and honest Real Estate developer who doesn’t need our financial support? Yes, this is a video provided by mainstream media. However, there are numerous articles on the internet that show the extent that he has gone to raise money for personal gain. My books clearly detail how he and his family has created the Trump empire. But what has he and his administration done for the American people in general?

By now everyone is well aware that Donald Trump and the Republican Party has never had a unified Health Care plan for the American people. It has always been the reliance on the free enterprise system of government wherein health care providers would offer competitive pricing that enrolling in their plan. Well, we all know well that has worked for most Americans. The very first chapter of Book II, Donald Trump the Politician, tells the story of the disparity between health care cost and coverage offered by government entities, organized Unions and business enterprises.

We also should now recognize that the Republican Party has no plan for protecting our boarders and controlling immigration. Trump’s plan of building a southern border that would be paid for by the Mexican government was never going to happen. What is the solution that is offered by the Republican Party? Is it the Federal Government’s sole responsibility or do bordering states have full rights to control immigration however way they regard as being necessary?

The Mueller Report Tells the Story

Special Counsel Robert Mueller was appointed to investigate the Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential election. Throughout my two books I discuss the findings of this most important document of this 21st Century. Unfortunately, the Mueller Report was deliberately ignored by our Republican Congressional Representatives due to the action of newly appointed Attorney General William Barr who in April of 2019 falsely declared that the document showed that there was no collusion between Donald Trump or any member of his campaign.

Having read this freely available on the internet document, I could see why the Trump faithful wanted to bury the information that was proven to be Russian interference by both the office of the Special Counsel and earlier by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). This was the genesis of the Deep State conspiracy theory that portrays the U.S. government as conspiring to nullify Trump’s election for no reason but hatred for him personally.

To carry on this this false narrative, Republican representatives in Congress refused to read this report and sing the song of “no collusion.”  My books detail these facts that show why so many individuals associated with Trump’s Presidential Campaign were legally convicted in courts of law for collusion with Russian operatives. Then those who were faithful to Trump by lying during investigations were given a free pass out of jail, or had their sentences commuted by Trump at the end of his term in 2020, as he promised to do.

Now he promises to unleash hundreds of pardons for over 890 people who had been found guilty of federal crimes for the January 6, 2021 insurrection. Do not let history repeat and allow those who are unrepenting to return to a life of evading criminal activity, as an egotistical Donald Trump will surely do. My books have over 6 years of verifiable research material completed for the reader. Please take the time to peruse and comment on this website so that it can be improved. Since the economy and inflation is such a critical issue today, it is most beneficial for you to read my posting Capitalism, Inflation and the Federal Deficit.