The Impeachment Inquiry of Pres. Biden

House Chamber of US Capitol Building

Despite what most people believe, when Nancy Pelosi became House Speaker, she sought to tamp down pro-impeachment sentiments calling it “divisive” and suggesting lawmakers should wait and see how the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, led by special counsel Robert Mueller, played out. In March of 2019 she repeated that “unless there’s something so compelling and overwhelming and bipartisan, I don’t think we should go down that path, because it divides the country,” adding of Trump, “He’s just not worth it.”

Following the two impeachment hearings that were conducted against former President Trump we now have the Republican controlled House Judiciary Committee investigating President Biden. In order to fully understand the reasoning behind these impeachment hearings we need to see how these investigations evolved. My book subtitled Donald Trump’s Impeachment Problems go into great detail as to why he was not only impeached once, but again a second time.

What started the interest in the first Impeachment of Donald Trump was much more complex than just the infamous Whistle Blower’s report. It revealed the concerns of other high-ranking officials who were wrapped up in his trying to coerce the newly elected President of Ukraine into investigating Hunter Biden’s activities. Their eventual testimonies before Congress were quite compelling and were given despite physical and emotional threats and the very possible loss of jobs which eventually did occur.

The two impeachments that the Democratically controlled Congress conducted against Trump started with closed door testimonies that secured the confidentially that is imperative for the discovery of information that is both verifiable indisputable. My book details the exact testimonies that were given during these hearings. It also details how President Trump did everything in his power to prohibit witnesses from appearing before Congress, or even providing crucial documentation requested and subpoenaed.

The best way to discern whether or not a Congressional hearing is dedicated to pursuing truthful responses from pertinent witnesses is to see the proceedings live. As long as the people that are presented to the committee are in fact relevant witnesses, then this will prove to the American people that their investigation is legitimately correct as to their findings. Since that is impossible for most everyone, the next best way is to read the transcripts of the questions presented by our congressional representatives and the responses from the witnesses.

With a proper search of YouTube, you can see for yourself exactly what is going on during and after these hearings. My book provides references to using YouTube so that one can judge outcomes for themselves. Currently House Republicans are conducting an impeachment inquiry hearing laying out the allegations they intend to pursue against President Joe Biden. One can get a good understanding of what this impeachment inquiry is trying to accomplishment by watching the first day of testimony using the You Tube link

Rep. James Comer, Republican chair of the Oversight Committee has called upon three “expert” witnesses: Bruce Dubinsky, a forensic accounting expert; Eileen O’Conner, former assistant attorney general at the Justice Department’s Tax Division; and Jonathan Turley, an attorney and professor at George Washington University Law School. The Democrats have appointed the fourth witness Michael Gerhardt, Professor of Constitutional Law at the University of North Carolina School of Law.

At the heart of the GOP investigation is Biden’s alleged involvement in business dealings involving his son, Hunter, and the Ukrainian energy firm Burisma. Fast forward the video to minute 39 of this seven- hour tape where the hearing actually starts and listen to Chairman Comer’s detail of what the committed intends to prove. This is continued with Rep Jim Jordan’s (R-OH) recitation of the facts in the Hunter Biden Burisma dealings in which he claims Joe Biden was the “Big Guy” behind questionable payments for favors.

Ranking Member Jamie Raskin (D-MD) gives his rebuttal of Rep. Jordan’s hypothetical facts. Next comes the 5-minute opening statements that these “expert” witnesses provide. It is important to listen to the information that they are providing and view their interaction with the committee members. This only takes up about 30 minutes of time. I encourage you to view more of this hearing in order to understand the tone of this hearing and gain a sense of the validity of what each committee member is trying to convey.

In my book you will find the details to which Rep. Jordan references during previously held hearings on Hunter Biden and his dealings with Burisma. Reading the transcripts of the testimonies that these witnesses give under oath gives you the true picture of what really occurs during these hearings. Then if you follow the Google link I have suggested, you can then see the complete picture as to the demeanor, truthfulness and purpose of the questions and answers given.

The following is a link that further depicts how the impeachment inquire of Pres. Biden is being conducted: AOC utterly DESTROYS entire Republican argument with one simple question – YouTube. I think you will find this most interesting and revealing. See these five-minute rebuttals that are presented by two liberal Democrats: Reps. Ocasio-Cortez (NY) and Jasmine Crockett (TX), as well as others. Where does the truth lie? Can you not tell it by the evidence presented or demeanor of speaker? You can see why these two women of color are certainly not GOP fan favorites.

During this Congressional hearing and all previous Biden involve hearings that I detail in my books, no public evidence is presented that directly ties the president to Hunter Biden’s involvement with Burisma. Nor has any Republicans shown any proof that Pres. Biden received millions of dollars in payments from foreign businesses. Records again have only pointed to Hunter Biden and the president’s brother, Jimmy, as the recipients of such payments. The following is one of these revealing moments when false evidence has been used to try and prove guilt for political gain. See Republicans CAUGHT Fabricating Evidence During Hearing – YouTube.

As per the Constitution, the main purpose of the U.S. House of Representatives is to make and pass federal laws. That is why there are so many members in the House – to give every state fair representation. Unfortunately, so much time is being used for investigations that involve multiple committees that are assigned for creating political domination. Consequently, laws that need to be enacted to correct America’s divisive problems are not even being proposed, much less than enthusiastically debated and resolved. The motivation for this failure needs to be fully understood by the American people.

The only way our Legislative Branch of government can get back to doing the work of the people is for everyone to engage in political discussion and eliminate the spread of so much misinformation that has infected our thinking. We can only do this by allowing ourselves to be exposed to both sides of our differences. After years of truly believing in deliberately planted conspiracy theories, finally our judicial system is now holding people accountable. This is because those who have been severely maligned have started to fight back.

The Dominion Voting Systems nearly $800 million judgement against Fox News is a landmark decision. The voting machine company’s lawsuit would have exposed how the network promoted lies about the 2020 presidential election. Unfortunately, the American people did not get to witness the evidence that would have exposed who, how and why this deception was created. However, numerous individuals are now being found guilty in this election fraud and others taking pleas deals to avoid lengthy jail time. Now is the time for the American people to pay strict attention to these investigations and stop burying their minds in social media.