Important Political Issues

These are our three Branches of our Government.
United States Capitol Building Washington, D.C.

Our Congressional Representatives and the President’s appointees are responsible for why America is so fiercely divided! Within this massive architectural building of such historical significance, lies disharmony and a unrepenting thirst for wealth and power.

Problems within our three Branches of Government

Executive Branch Issues:

All too often members of the White House manipulate news and social media for self-serving reasons instead of insisting on accurate and lawful reporting. The American people need and deserve to be told the truth and this requirement starts with the President. All members of the Executive Branch must be held in compliance with their Oath of Office. Failure to uphold this sacred oath must have consequences.

The American Revolution was caused by our belief in the need for having a new government that would have strong guarantees that it’s policies would not trample upon our freedoms of speech, press and religion, nor upon our right to be free from warrantless searches and seizures. The Bill of Rights was added to our Constitution making this promise.

Are these given rights unlimited? Should we allow anyone to freely interpret how far these rights extend even though they may cause harm to others? Are there no consequences for abuse? I think not. I believe that everything that is performed in excess does harm.

Why do you Agree or Disagree?

Legislative Branch Issues:

Within this book you will gain an understanding of how Congress fulfills and conducts their assigned responsibilities. Are our Congressional representatives devoting their time creating and correcting society’s problems or are they wasting their time and our tax money on frivolous investigations that are designed to show blame on political opposition. Don’t we deserve a Congress that is dedicated to stopping the abuse of power and position? Which is the real Witch Hunt? Was it against Trump’s activities as President or Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State? Certainly, the most egregious abuse of office is rooted in the handling of classified material.

Whenever I see MAGA rally supporters holding the historic flag Don’t Tread on Me, two thoughts come to mind. It was first flown on a warship in 1775 as a battle cry for American independence from British rule. I understand it’s meaning to be that our Federal Government does not have the right to impose laws that are unfairly forced upon the citizens of the United States. However, it also means to me that other groups of people do not have the right to tread on me as an individual.

Why do you Agree or Disagree?

Judicial Branch Issues:

In Chapter 10 you will gain an understanding of how the President circumvents established protocol in order to successfully position individuals who will serve his agenda at the expense of Cabinet or Agency experience. This is especially true of his persistence in removing and appointing Attorneys General who will supervise and direct the administration and operation of the 40 different components comprising the Department of Justice in ways that serves his needs.

One of President Trump’s unlawful demands for holding the Attorney General position is to investigate the activities of those who challenge his authority and severely punish those who do so. This is not the function of this most important position within our System of Checks and Balances. Understand that the Justice Department is required to follow the laws of our land no matter who is breaking them. When the Executive Branch ignores these rules, then those offenders must be subject to authorized investigation. This authorization includes the submission of witnessing personnel to Congressional hearings and the release of subpoenaed documentation relevant to the violation.

Why do you Agree or Disagree?