The Structure of our Government

The average American voter does not understand the structure of our government and its System of Checks and Balance. This is an important reason for why I wanted to write this type of history book. It is created in a chronological time frame highlighting Donald Trump’s Presidency. We can never allow our political representatives to disturb or circumvent this balance of power.

Workplace of the Presidential Administration
The White House – The Executive Branch

Executive Branch Issues

This is the home of the President and his appointed staff. Read in Book I Part I just how vicious presidential campaigns have become. As a voter it is important to understand what motivates political candidates and understand how they stand on all important issues. Are they willing to compromise so that our government will work for we the people or are they working strictly for their self-interest and one political party’s control?

In Book II Part II, you will read about what type of Cabinet and Executive individuals Trump personally chose and why so many were given Presidential pardons after being convicted of crimes. What was the need for so many “acting” Cabinet staff and Attorney Generals?

The Capitol Bldg. showing the Senate Chambers side.

The Legislative Branch Issues

The Capitol Building is the workplace of Congress. I Book I you will see how the Republican controlled House and Senate ruled their investigative Committee hearings. Were they searching for the truth about America’s problems or appointing blame?

In Book II you will see how differently Congress works when the Democratic Party gained control of the House of Representatives, yet the Republican Party still remained in control under the leadership of Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

Robert-F.-Kennedy-Justice-Bldg is the headquarters of the United States Department of Justice.

The Judicial Branch Issues

The Justice Building is the headquarters of the United States Department of Justice and home of the US Attorney General who oversees the FBI, DEA, Immigration and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

Throughout President Trump’s time in office, he removed individuals from the critical position of Attorney General whenever he believed that they were not fulfilling his demands. Due to the fact that the A.G. has full control over the Justice Department, this position requires the conformation vote of the Senate.

In both Books I and II you will gain an understanding as to why Donald Trump found it necessary to appoint so many Acting Attorney Generals. Is there really a “Deep State” within the Justice Department that was conspiring to overthrow Donald Trump’s Presidency?

Understand the reason for our System of Checks and Balances